
The AWSS Links page intends to highlight some of the available web sites rather than provide a comprehensive list.

If you would like to suggest a link, please e-mail Cheri Wilson.

Slavic Studies Mega Sites

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  • WebMuseum Network
    Special exhibits and "famous Paintings." Select the mirror site closest to you for faster access (sites are worldwide - even Moscow)

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AWSS Member Home Pages

If you would like your home page added, please e-mail, Cheri Wilson.

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Business Development: Eastern Europe

  • Troika-Dialog
    An integrated investment banking institution, active trader and primary dealer in government securities as well as a leading participant in the Russian OTC equities market.
  • World Trade Organization

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Classroom Tools

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Cyrillic Fonts

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Eastern European & Regional Websites

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Feminist/Gender/Women's Studies

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Human Rights

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The following links may provide some insight into current job trends or may stir up some new ideas for your own career path.

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  • Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst
    A publication of The Central Asia-Caucasus Institute of The Johns Hopkins University-The Nitze School of Advanced International Studies
  • East European Constitutional Review
    A quarterly published by New York University Law School and Central European University
  • Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas
    The Yearbook for the History of Eastern Europe
  • Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History
    A journal dedicated to critical inquiry into the history of Russia and Eurasia. Intended to continue the tradition established by an earlier journal, Kritika, A Review of Current Soviet Books on Russian History, published at Harvard University from 1964 to 1984
  • Mezhdunarodnyi istoricheskii zhurnal [International Journal of History]
    A Russian-language journal
  • Mir istorii [World of History]
    A Russian-language electronic journal
  • Rossiiane v Azii [Russians in Asia]
    A Russian-language literary and historical annual devoted to the history, experiences, and activities of subjects of the Russian Empire who lived in various countries of Asia, mainly in China, Japan, Korea and Mongolia in the 19th and early 20th centuries, and of nearly half a million emigres from Russia who settled in Asian countries after the Revolution of 1917
  • Slavic Review
    American quarterly of Russian, Eurasian and East European studies. The journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies [AAASS]

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Library Collections

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    A listserv devoted to scholarly consultation about the life and times and impact of Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia (1729-96). We welcome participation from scholars in many fields and accept contributions in English as well as Catherine's main modern Western languages: Russian, German, and French.
  • Gender-Related Electronic Forums
    An annotated, frequently-updated, award-winning listing of publicly-accessible e-mail discussion forums (also known as "lists" or "listservs") related to women or to women-focused gender issues. Maintained for the University of Maryland, Baltimore County by Dr. Joan Korenman, Director of the Center for Women & Information Technology
  • HABSBURG Discussion Network
    Deals with the culture and history of the Habsburg Monarchy and its successor states in central Europe from 1500 to the present.
  • H-EarlySlavic Discussion Network
    A forum for the discussion of Slavic history, literature, and culture before 1725. It is focused primarily on East Slavic (Russian, Ukrainian, Belorussian) regions, though West and South Slavic areas will also be considered. H-EarlySlavic is a scholarly list: it is aimed at professional scholars and their students. The languages of the list are Belorussian, English, French, German, Russian, and Ukrainian.
  • H-RUSSIA Discussion Network
    Encourages scholarly discussion of Russian and Soviet history and makes available diverse bibliographical, research and teaching aids.
  • PraxNex - Praxis Nexus: Feminist Activism
    A discussion list devoted to issues and concerns feminists have about 'doing' feminism. It also is a network for the circulation of information regarding feminist activism and praxis.

    To join, please send a message to with a message in the body of the text "sub praxnex Your Name".
    Lurana O'Malley, University of Hawaii, Manoa, moderates an e-mail discussion list on Russian and East European Theatre and Drama.

    To subscribe, send an email message to LISTPROC@HAWAII.EDU.

    The message itself should contain one line:

    SUBSCRIBE RUSSTHEA-L <first name> <last name>

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Literature & Culture

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News from Eastern Europe, Southeastern Europe, and the Former Soviet Union

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Google Groups contains the entire archive of Usenet discussion groups dating back to 1981. Google's search feature enables users to access this wealth of information with the speed and efficiency of a Google web search, providing relevant results from a database containing more than 700 million posts. A list of newsgroups for Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union follows:

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Presses & Publishers

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Related Associations/Organizations

    The American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies
  • American Latvian Association
    The American Latvian community's national representative organization founded in 1951 by Latvian World War II refugees escaping Soviet occupation of their homeland. A non-profit, tax exempt educational and cultural organization.
  • ALTA (American Literary Translators Association)
    The ALTA national offices are located at the Center for Translation Studies. The organization was founded in 1978 to provide essential services to literary translators from all languages and to create a professional forum for the exchange of ideas on the art and craft of translation. Through annual conferences, newsletters, collaboration with other professional organizations and lobbying efforts, ALTA works to enhance the status of literary translation and to improve the market for the publication of works in English translation. Contact the ALTA office.
  • British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies (BASEES)
    An association to advance education for the public benefit in the United Kingdom in the humanities and the social sciences as they relate to the former Soviet Union and the countries of Eastern Europe
  • Bulgarian Studies Organization
    A non-profit scholarly organization which promotes the study of and exchange of knowledge about all aspects of Bulgaria and Bulgarians: language, literature, culture, history, politics, economics and international relations.
  • Early Slavic Studies Association (ESSA)
    A scholarly, non-profit organization dedicated to fostering closer worldwide communication among scholars interested in pre-eighteenth century Slavic studies; and to promoting the dissemination of scholarly information on early Slavic studies through the organization of meetings and conferences and through the Association's newsletter
  • International Committee of the Red Cross
  • International Women's Health Coalition (IWHC)
    IWHC works to generate health and population policies, programs, and funding that promote and protect the rights and health of girls and women worldwide, particularly in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and countries in postsocialist transition.
  • Network of East-West Women (NEWW)
    NEWW's mission is to empower women and girls throughout the East (Central and Eastern Europe, and NIS and the Russian Federation) and the West by dialogue, networking, campaigns, and educational and informational exchanges.
  • Russian Social Sciences and Humanities Network (RSSH)
    The main purpose of this network is to provide help to researchers and teachers working in the fields of social and humanitarian science, through the use of electronic communications and new information technologies.
  • Scottish Society for Russian and East European Studies (SSREES)
    Founded in 1994 and holds its annual conference each October in Glasgow. Membership is not limited to those working or researching in Scotland, rather it refers to the location of the Society and its conferences.
  • Slavic and East European Folklore Association (SEEFA)
    A non-profit organization devoted to an exchange of knowledge among scholars interested in Slavic and East European folklore. It seeks to promote instruction, to organize panels at national and international conferences, to encourage the preparation of teaching materials and translations, and to foster exchanges, summer programs, and research in Slavic and East European Folklore and related fields such as anthropology, ethnic studies, history, literature, and musicology.
  • Social Science Research Council
    An independent, nongovernmental, not-for-profit international organization that seeks to advance social science throughout the world and supports research, education and scholarly exchange on every continent
  • Society for Slovene Studies
    A scholarly, non-profit organization dedicated to fostering closer communication among scholars interested in Slovene studies; and to promoting the dissemination of scholarly information on Slovene studies through the organization of meetings and conferences, and through the preparation of scholarly works for publication

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Russian Resources

  • Friends & Partners
    Jointly developed by citizens of the US and Russia to promote better understanding between the two countries, this site offers probably the most comprehensive listing of Russian cultural resources on the Web. Can be viewed either in English or in Russian (KOI-8).
    Offers links to Russian news, science & technology, shops & malls, travel, business, legislation, family, recreation, weather, computers, government, arts & culture, and other links of interest.
  • Russia on the Net
    Comprehensive and easy-to-navigate directory of Russian Internet resources.
  • Russian Alphabet in Russian Sign Language

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St. Petersburg

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Study Abroad Programs

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