AWSS-L Listserv
The AWSS listserv, located at, is a service provided to AWSS members. The listserv carries bi-weekly job lists and daily announcements of interest to members as well as discussions on current topics and problems in Eurasian/Central/Eastern European women's studies. If you would like to post a job ad, please send the relevant information to Meghan Pytka (meghann.pytka@NORTHWESTERN.EDU). June Pachuta Farris and other librarians and scholars are generous with research help.
To join, send a message to (leaving the subject line blank) with the text message: SUBSCRIBE AWSS-L FirstName Surname (For example: SUBSCRIBE AWSS-L Ekaterina Dashkova)
Once you have subscribed, you will receive two useful messages detailing how to use the list.
The list is moderated, which means that messages you post will be delayed slightly before they are posted to all subscribers to AWSS-L. The moderators include: Emily Liverman, Elizabeth Skomp, and Christine Worobec. Barbara Norton, Janet Hyer, Andrea Lanoux, Rebecca Gould, Nicole Young, and Inna Caron are emerita moderators.
List users are reminded that the list exists for scholarly queries and discussion, and are asked to help establish and maintain good network etiquette.